3 research outputs found

    Анализ методов улучшения топливной эффективности магистрального самолета

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    The study demonstrates the fulfillment of one of the goals of the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) outlined in Flightpath 2050. The European Union is conducting studies to determine the level of progress, gaps and barriers for each of the goals and to provide guidance on their elimination. The focus is on environmental performance, fuel efficiency, passenger satisfaction and global leadership. Therefore, there in the study is carried out research on methods for improving the fuel efficiency of the aircraft based on the implementation of the concept of adaptive wing to reduce the resistance of the aircraft and the use of electric drive wheel chassis. One conducted the estimation of ways to reduce the frontal resistance of a heavy long-distance trunk aircraft type A340-600 based on the implementation of this concept, as well as the effect of the electric drive chassis racks on the fuel efficiency of the aircraft. It is shown that the main indicator, which characterizes the competitiveness of aircraft, is the possibility to provide transportation of the maximum commercial load at the largest range with a minimum fuel consumption.Exploration of the operational characteristics of the aircraft was carried out with the help of the developed modular software complex based on parametrical studies of the characteristics of the aircraft and its propulsion at the stages of modernization or preliminary design. The modular complex includes computational software blocks that are interconnected and allow the study of the characteristics of engines and aircraft, both with subsonic and with supersonic flight speed.The results of studies have shown that laminarization of the aircraft’s surface without taking into account the energy costs of exhausting the boundary layer reduces fuel consumption by about 20 %. Reducing the use of aircraft propulsion engines while taxiing is an action that can be compared in terms of its effectiveness with decreasing the size of cracks and ledges in the control and mechanization of the wing of the aircraft. Aircraft with an electric chassis in front of the chassis has an advantage in fuel efficiency before the aircraft only when taxiing for more than 30 minutes. The obtained results allow estimating boundary possibilities of increase of fuel efficiency of heavy long-distance main passenger aircraft. Одной из исследовательских задач, направленных на достижение целей FLIGHTPATH 2050, является оценка методов улучшения топливной эффективности самолета на основе реализации концепции адаптивного крыла для снижения сопротивления самолета и применения электрического привода колес шасси. Проведена оценка способов снижения лобового сопротивления тяжелого дальнего магистрального самолета типа A340-600, оценено влияние использования для руления электропривода стоек шасси на топливную эффективность самолета. Показано, что ламинаризация поверхности планера самолёта без учета энергетических затрат на отсос пограничного слоя позволяет уменьшить затраты топлива приблизительно на 20 %. Снижение времени использования маршевых двигателей самолета при рулении является мероприятием, которое сопоставимо по своей эффективности с уменьшением размеров щелей и уступов в органах управления и механизации крыла самолета. Самолет с электроприводом в передней стойке шасси имеет преимущество в топливной эффективности перед исходным самолетом только при рулении более 30 минут.

    Загальна хірургія. Вибрані лекції : навчальний посібник

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    The textbooks on general surgery course published the previous years have lost their actuality on some problems. The curriculum organization on the credit-module system basis according to the new syllabus requires new educational-methodical supplies. This manual presents in English the lecture course taking into account the achievements of surgery. The manual is made up by the Odesa State Medical University General Surgery Department’s stafВидані попередніми роками підручники і посібники з курсу загальної хірургії здебільшого втратили актуальність з тих чи інших проблем. Організація навчального процесу на засадах кре- дитно-модульної системи за новою навчальною програмою із за- гальної хірургії потребує наявності нових навчально-методичних посібникі

    Self-directed learning and absorptive capacity: the mediating role of trust and human capital

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    This chapter aims to provide a better understanding of how self-directed learning effects absorptive capacity by examining the influence of two mediators: specifically, affective trust in colleagues and human capital development climate. By using a sample of 181 participants from the creative industries sector, a sequential mediation via a three-step causal chain was conducted. This chapter contributes to human resource development and strategic management literature in showing that self-directed learning does not only have a strong effect on the organisational capability, but it also has an impact at the group-level dynamics involving trust and organisational-level climate. These findings show that organisations need to design jobs that allow discretion and autonomy from staff to shape their own learning and to cultivate an environment that recognises and rewards learning